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Productkhadi Organza sareePreethy's boutique Kasturi Turmeric (Wild Turmeric )
Imagekhadi Organza sareePreethy's boutique Kasturi Turmeric  (Wild Turmeric )


Special Price 210.00

CategoryLadies boutiquePersonal Care Products
Sub CategorySareeSkin Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

khadi Organza saree

Fabric : khadi Organza with embroidery work with aarco

Blouse :  Banglori silk  with embroidery buta 


Wild Turmeric Powder

Makes the skin brighter

helps in removing facial hair and pimple marks when used for long time.

Has anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties.


(L x W x H)

khadi Organza saree  with embroidery work with aarco designs looks elegant and classy. The saree is accompanied with banglori silk material blouse comes with embroidery butta work.

Disclaimer - Product colour may slightly vary in actual colour due to light source.

Kasthuri Manjal – Wild Turmeric Powder for Glowing Skin Wild turmeric is an important ingredient in any Ayurvedic skin care product. It has anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic and anti-bacterial properties. The yellow pigment in the turmeric makes the skin brighter. It also helps in removing facial hair and pimple marks, when used for a longer time.

How to use: For glowing skin mix wild turmeric powder and raw milk. Make a smooth paste and apply it over your face. Rinse it off once its dried. You can also use rose water or aloe vera juice instead of milk.

Preethy’s Boutique Kasturi turmeric powder is of export quality, 100% pure and natural.

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