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ProductTurmeric Powder
ImageTurmeric Powder

Special Price 180.00

CategorySpices And Spice Powders
Sub CategorySpice Powders
AvailabilityIn Stock

Weight : 90g

Authentic Indian turmeric powder

contains pure ground turmeric roots

This turmeric powder is free from any artificial color, flavour and is GMO free

Can be used for cooking as well as for medicinal and beauty purposes

Best used for making turmeric milk and golden latte

(L x W x H)
12.00cm x 7.00cm x 11.00cm

Seeds and Hands turmeric powder is authentic Indian turmeric powder of turmeric roots sourced directly from Wayanad, Kerala.  Our turmeric powder contains pure ground turmeric roots, without mixing of any other material. This turmeric powder is free from any artificial color, flavour and is GMO free.  It can be used for cooking as well as for medicinal and beauty purposes. It is best used for making turmeric milk and golden latte.  Seeds and Hands supports small scale farmers and promotes direct trade. We travel and cherry-pick best available spices from them.

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