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ProductNeelayamari Hair Oil
ImageNeelayamari Hair Oil

Special Price 225.00

CategoryHair Care and Styling
Sub CategoryHair Oil
AvailabilityIn Stock

Weight -100ml

Has an antioxidant and antibacterial activity

 Used for premature greying of the hair and hair growth

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Indigo(Indigoferatinctoria), Curry Leaves (Murraya koenigii) & Milk



(L x W x H)
16.50cm x 5.50cm x 3.00cm

Neelayamari (Indigofera tinctoria) is native to South and South East Asia. Neelayamari is a woody shrub with a purple-blue colour flower. The seeds of the herb is yellowish red. Neelayamari also has an antioxidant and antibacterial activity. Neelayamari oil is used for premature greying of the hair, hair growth, dandruff, hair dye and dry hair. Neelayamari is mainly used in the form of hair oil for stimulating hair growth and in the form of hair pack for dyeing the hair. Regular use of hair oil made with Neelayamari leaves will reverse and prevent greying of the hair greatly. Indigo leaf hair oil made with the leaves is amazing for hair growth. It prevents scalp infections and stimulates new hair growth when used regularly. The hair oil made with Neelayamari leaves is also a very good remedy for dandruff. It reduces dandruff greatly and if used from young age, it will greatly prevent dandruff. Neelayamari hair oil is one of the best conditioners that softens your hair really well.

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