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ProductAmla powder
ImageAmla powder

Special Price 190.00

CategoryPersonal Care Products
Sub CategorySelf-Care Products
AvailabilityIn Stock

Benefits of Amla Powder :

Amla Powder is good for both skin care and hair care.

It helps to make the skin tone better by making your skin look soft and youthful.

It helps to treat skin pigmentation and removes dead skin cells.

Amla Powder helps to prevent premature greying and prevent dandruff.

(L x W x H)

Amla powder is made from dried Indian gooseberries, and has been used for thousands of years as a natural remedy. It is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine to treat problems in the body such as eye infections, skin problems and many more. Amla powder helps to have shinier, stronger and better looking hair. Protein present in amla helps to strengthen the hair. Regular use of amla powder helps to prevent issues such as breakage and split-ends. Amla is used for slowing down the ageing of skin and hair.

How to use:

For skin:  For a smooth and radiant skin, you can mix amla powder either with honey or yogurt to make a quick face mask. Leave it on till it dries (approximately 15-20 min) and then rinse it off with cold water.

For hair: Mix 1 tablespoon of amla powder with normal water and apply it to the scalp. Or for hair mask you can use raw egg and amla powder and apply it as a hair pack. Rinse it off after it dries.

Kerala Naturals Amla Powder is organically cultivated powder with no chemicals or preservatives added to it. Though there is no harm in consuming this amla powder. This amla powder is an organic and natural solution to keep your hair and skin healthy.


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