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ProductPiles Care CapsuleMultani Mitti Powder
ImagePiles Care CapsuleMultani Mitti Powder

Special Price 750.00

Special Price 140.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessPersonal Care Products
Sub CategoryHealth CareSkin Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Quantity - 60 Nos/ 500 mg

Ingredients: Rasanjana, Reetha, Neem, Triphala, Guggul, Moch Rasa, Shankh Bhasma & Phitkari

Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule twice daily on an empty stomach or as directed by the physician

  • Skin care
  • reduces oil
  • fights acne.
(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cm8.00cm x 8.00cm x 11.00cm

Piles Care is a fast acting formula which speedily cures all kinds of piles. It consists of herbs which are 100% ayurvedic with no side effect. Piles Care may be helpful in Chronic constipation, Haemorrhoids, fissure in ano, bleeding and non bleeding piles, fistula, internal and external piles, painful defecation, rectal inflammation, peri-anal abscess, rectal prolapse.

Multani mitti  or fullers earth is an age old ingredient for beauty treatments.  It can be used in face packs as well as a scrub.  It helps remove blemishes,  exfoliate skin,  absorb oil and dirt and fight acne and pimples.

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