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ProductPreethy's Boutique Orange Peel Powder Honey
ImagePreethy's Boutique Orange Peel Powder Honey

Special Price 240.00

Special Price 187.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsFood Products
Sub CategorySkin Care Honey
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Replenishing and Rejuvenation

Treats blackheads ,dead cells, acne and blemishes.

Skin brightening.

Softening and Smoothening.

Promotes fairness.

Weight - 325 Gms

Rich in antioxidants

Improve cholesterol

Lower blood pressure

Medicinal usage

(L x W x H)

Orange Peel Powder is a natural astringent that rejuvenates the skin to ensure an overall health of skin by preventing the signs of wrinkles, skin aging and fine. Orange peel powder is rich in Vitamin C that helps various skin types especially oily skin types to form the collagen and elastin of the skin. Since orange peels have anti-bacterial properties, it fights upon acne forming bacteria too to give you flawless skin. It deeply cleanse the pores of skin for giving an overall refreshing look.

Premium quality natural honey collected directly from the farmers and packed after several quality check processes.

Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance produced by bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants or secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation.

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