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ProductSugar Free Tea Ready Mixtriphala powder
ImageSugar Free Tea Ready Mixtriphala powder

Special Price 250.00

Special Price 140.00

CategoryTea And CoffeeHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryTeaHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 250 Gms

100 % Natural

22 cups from 250 Gms packet

Benefits of Triphala powder :

It has various anti – inflammatory properties.

Triphala contains a number of antioxidants that perform protective functions in the body.

Triphala may have various health benefits, such as improving oral and digestive health and supporting skin healing .

(L x W x H)

Sugar free coffee readymix is good for use of diabetic persons. A perfect companion while travelling. Just needed is one cup of hot water. Mix one scoop full of sugar free coffee readymix to 1 cup hot water and its ready to drink. Enjoy every sip of it. Milk and tea powder together. All in one.

Triphala is an ancient herbal remedy with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. Triphala may have various health benefits, such as improving oral and digestive health and supporting skin healing . Triphala is an herbal preparation used in ayurvedic medicine. It is also believed to promote longevity and overall health .

How to use: Take 1-2 tsp of triphala powder. Mix with warm water and honey before meals.

Kerala Naturals Triphala powder is 100% pure and natural. There is no chemicals and preservatives added in it. Thus we ensure good export quality products to its customers which is safe to take internally.


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