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ProductChyavanaprasam Amruthotharam Kashaya Churnam
ImageChyavanaprasam Amruthotharam  Kashaya Churnam

.228.00 - .456.00

Special Price 150.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryHealth CareHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 100 Gms & 200 Gms 

Useful in cough and cold


Immuno booster 

Anti-microbial herb

Cures fever

(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 6.50cm x 6.50cmNA

Chyavanaprasam is useful in cough and cold. It is especially used in pulmonary tuberculosis. It helps in the rejuvenation of the aged and also in proper nourishment of young ones. It is effectively used in the treatments of throat infections, chest infections, gout and disease conditions involving urine. It improves intelligence, memory power, skin luster, age, strength of sense organs, immunity power and appetite. It is a powerful antiaging medicine. It also cures wrinkles. Chyavanprasham is one of the anti-ageing supplements, which is purely herbal in nature. It has Amla as its main ingredient, which is a powerful antioxidant

Amruthotharam Kashaya Churna is a potent ayurvedic medicine in liquid form. It is widely used in the Kerala’s traditional practice of ayurveda. This medicine is used extensively by doctors to treat all types offever. Amruta acts as anti-pyretic, immuno booster and anti-microbial herb, nagara is ama pachaka andhareetaki is a carminative.It is known to cure fever caused due to aggravation of all the three doshas. It isvery effective in the pre-monetary stage of fever due its carminative action thereby reducing fever.

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