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ProductSPRAY DRIED HONEY POWDERVetiver Bath Scrub Grape Seed Capsule
ImageSPRAY DRIED HONEY POWDERVetiver Bath Scrub Grape Seed Capsule

Special Price 618.00

Special Price 50.00

Special Price 950.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessPersonal Care ProductsHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryHealth CareSelf-Care ProductsHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock

Organic food

100% natural ingredients used

Flavouring agent

Defends your skin from acne and breakouts

Consists anti bacterial and anti inflamatory properties

Weight -10gms

Medicinal properties

Remedy for skin diseases

Quantity  - 60 Nos

Ingredients: Grape Seed Extract

Suggested Use: Take 2 to 3 capsule daily with warm water or as directed by the physician


(L x W x H)
NA3.00cm x 5.00cm x 5.00cm10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cm

Beaface introduces a new product Spray dried honey powder from Grenutri. Honey powder contains large amount of Vitamins B and C as well as minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, phospherous, magnesium and selenium.This can be used as seasoning rubs, sprinkled on oatmeal or other hot or cold cereals.Also mixed with iced tea or lemonade. This can also be used as a sweetener or flavouring agent.Can be used on pancakes. cookies, breads mixes and muffins.

Ramacham (Vetiver) is very popular in aromatherapy and has many medicinal properties. The soothing and cooling effects of vetiver calm and pacify all sorts of inflammation. This property helps heal wounds by promoting the growth of new tissues in wounded places and also by keeping it safe from infections by inhibiting the growth of microbes. Vetiver also benefits patients with rheumatism, arthritis, gout, muscular aches, and also helps to reduce the dryness, reduces inflammation, eliminates scars, prevents bacterial infections and cracking of the skin. Ramacham (Vetiver) is used in Ayurvedic remedies as a remedy for skin diseases, gives the body a warmth, radiance and softness. It’s a natural scar remover, acne treatment, complexion restorer, intense moisturizer, antiaging, reduce stretch mark and control lice.


Grape seed extract is beneficial for a number of cardiovascular conditions and may help with a type of poor circulation (chronic venous insufficiency) reduces swelling caused by injury and helps with eye disease related to diabetes and high cholesterol. In particular, grape-related anti-tumor activity encompasses a wide array of biological mechanisms and cellular targets, eventually leading to inhibition of cell growth and to enhanced apoptosis in several cancer cell lines, including lung, colon, breast, bladder, leukemia and prostate tumors. It contains antioxidants. These are substances that protect cells from damage and may help prevent many diseases.


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