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ProductNatural Skin Care Beauty Soap (5 Nos)Bodyguard Oil
ImageNatural Skin Care Beauty Soap (5 Nos)Bodyguard Oil

Special Price 500.00

Special Price 225.00

CategoryBath and ShowerHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategorySoapHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 5 Nos ( 125 gms each)

Handmade soap

Weight - 100ml

Relief from pain even in chronic conditions

(L x W x H)
8.50cm x 6.00cm x 2.50cm14.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cm

Natural skin care beauty soap is naturally handcrafted soap. Best for your skin.

Body Guard pain oil contains veldt grape, tamarind leaves, betel, dill, ajwain, red creeper, arrow leaf sida, pepper, ginger, neem bark, red sandal, lemongrass and eucalyptus. This oil is very effective for aches & pains of the limbs, numbness, sprains, bruises and joint pains. It is one of the best solutions for various pain associated with muscles, legs, back, neck, joints and shoulders. The combination of various herbs in formulation provide rich source of healing compounds which has tendencies to relieve from pain even in chronic conditions. These active ingredients help in stimulation of blood circulation, stiff muscles and limbs, body ache, muscular pains, severe joint pain or swelling, joint aches and pains.

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