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ProductRobusta Coffee Zero Calorie
ImageRobusta Coffee Zero Calorie

Special Price 700.00

Special Price 499.00

CategoryTea And CoffeeHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryCoffeeHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

 •Weight -200gm

• Reduces high blood pressure

• Heart failure

• Loss of appetite

• Upset stomach

• Constipation

• Liver and gallbladder disorders

• cancer and rapid heartbeat

Weight - 50gm

100% natural herb

Stabilizes your blood sugar

(L x W x H)
7.50cm x 7.50cm x 12.50cm10.00cm x 7.00cm x 7.00cm

Robusta coffee Reduces high blood pressure and reduces risk of heart failure.



Zero Calorie (Stevia Leaves Powder) sweetener that does not contain chemicals or artificial ingredients. Stevia leaf is a very Great replacement of Sugar. its dry leaves possess roughly 40 times more sweetness than sugar. Stabilizes your blood sugar by increasing insulin resistance, inhibits the absorption of glucose and promotes the health of the pancreas. It contains only dry Stevia leaves which is a 100% natural herb. It blends easily in any sweet thing, it can be cooked and baked. Stevia is the best substitute of refined sugar. Unlike other sweeteners it does not contain any artificial sweeteners and chemicals like aspartame, sucralose and lactose  


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