triphala powder

Quick Overview

Benefits of Triphala powder :

It has various anti – inflammatory properties.

Triphala contains a number of antioxidants that perform protective functions in the body.

Triphala may have various health benefits, such as improving oral and digestive health and supporting skin healing .

Special Price 119

Regular Price: 140


  • Weight  : 100g

Triphala is an ancient herbal remedy with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects. Triphala may have various health benefits, such as improving oral and digestive health and supporting skin healing . Triphala is an herbal preparation used in ayurvedic medicine. It is also believed to promote longevity and overall health .

How to use: Take 1-2 tsp of triphala powder. Mix with warm water and honey before meals.

Kerala Naturals Triphala powder is 100% pure and natural. There is no chemicals and preservatives added in it. Thus we ensure good export quality products to its customers which is safe to take internally.


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Triphala Powder, Tripahla Powder Uses, Triphala Churna, Triphala Powder Benefits, Organic Triphala Powder, Triphala Powder For Hair, Triphala Powder For Skin.

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