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ProductAntique Handmade Mangalsutras Indigo powder GOLD PLATED GENT'S NAVARATNA FINGER RING
ImageAntique Handmade Mangalsutras Indigo powder GOLD PLATED GENT'S NAVARATNA FINGER RING

Special Price 239.20

Special Price 200.00


CategoryJewelleryPersonal Care ProductsJewellery
Sub CategoryMangalsutraHair CareFinger Rings
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock

handmade mangalsutra

price shown above is of per piece

available in different patterns

Weight -100gm

Effective for Hair fall, dandruff

Navratna Ring protects against negative energies or malefic effects of planets and strengthens the positive influences of the gems. 

(L x W x H)
NA10.00cm x 6.50cm x 6.50cmNA

Handmade  antique mangalsutra. A dream of every married woman to adorn this. available in different patterns and styles.

It provides cooling effect to head and eyes. Promotes hair growth and adds blackness and lustrous to hair. Very effective for Hair fall, dandruff.

Usage: Take a small portion of the powder in a bowl and add a little water to it. Stir gently until a smooth paste is formed. Let it stay at least for 2 hours before you wash your hair. You can also

soak the powder in water the night before use. The good rule of thumb is that use shampoo every 2 or 3 days to squeeze out the maximum results

One Gram Gold plated Navaratna ring for Men. It is a combination of all nine planetary gemstones known as Navratna Gems. Navratna gemstones are considered auspicious and believed to give good health, prosperity, happiness and peace of mind to those who wear it. Navratna Ring protects against negative energies or malefic effects of planets and strengthens the positive influences of the gems. 

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