Jackfruit Seed Powder

Quick Overview

Boosts Immunity

Controls Blood Sugar

Relief in Constipation

Boosts Vision

Promote Weight Loss

Improves Digestion

Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Promotes Digestion

Prevents Anemia

Special Price 162

Regular Price: 190


  • Weight  : 100g

Jackfruit seed powder is a rich source of dietary fiber, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins A, B, C and minerals. It helps to prevent constipation and indigestion. The powder is rich in thiamin and riboflavin which help in turning the food you eat into energy and keep your eyes, skin and hair healthy. It also provides small amounts of minerals like zinc, iron, calcium, copper, potassium and magnesium.

Jackfruit seed flour can be added to other flours or batters to make your favourite dishes like puttu, chappathi, dosa, appam, idli, upma, porridge etc.

Ingredients: Jackfruit Seed Powder

Shelf Life   : 12 Months from the date of packing.

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Jackfruit Powder, Jackfruit Seed Powder, Food Products, Flour, Jackfruit Flour, Health Care, Health And Wellness Care

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