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ProductGinseng CapsulePotato powder
ImageGinseng CapsulePotato powder

Special Price 800.00

Special Price 195.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessPersonal Care Products
Sub CategoryHealth CareSkin Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 60 Nos/ 500 mg

Ingredients: Ginseng (Panax ginseng) Extract

Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule twice a day after breakfast & dinner as directed by the physician

Weight - 100 Gms

Helps reduce puffy eyes

Helps you get rid of ugly spots, marks, and blemishes


(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cmNA

Ginseng supports increased mental and physical alertness and can even help alleviate stress and fatigue. It helps improve cognitive functions and also improves energy level & stamina to keep you active throughout the day. Suitable for Men, Women, Senior Citizen, Teenager, Adult. It will help Powerfully Support Antioxidant, Strength, Focus and Learning Ability. It is known to improve vitality, mental health, promote energy and overall wellbeing. It will help concentration and sharp mind. Enhance physical stamina and improves athletic performance.

Potato helps you get rid of ugly spots, marks, and blemishes. Reduces inflammation caused by bruises, rashes, and ulcers. Helps reduce puffy eyes. Delays the signs of aging. Contains antioxidants that protect your skin from environmental damage caused by pollution and exposure to the sun.

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