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ProductRed Sandal powder Hand Sanitizer
ImageRed Sandal powder Hand Sanitizer

Special Price 150.00

Special Price 350.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsPersonal Care Products
Sub CategorySkin CareSelf-Care Products
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 100gm

Controls Oiliness of Skin

Offers Great Nourishment


Weight - 500ML

Easy to use


(L x W x H)
NA17.70cm x 8.00cm x 8.00cm

Red sandal (Pterocarpus Santalinus) also known as red sanders is very much different from white sandalwood (Santalum Album). It is basically a tree with a rich red-coloured heartwood (the wood at the centre of the trunk of the tree) with no significant aroma. Red sandalwood is mostly valued for its medicinal properties and hence, it has been widely used in traditional herbal medicine. Offers Great Nourishment, gives a Radiant Complexion, Makes Skin Even-Toned, Helps in Exfoliation, Controls Oiliness of Skin, Removes Ugly Sun Tan, Fades Pigmentation Marks, Clears Up Acne and Pimples, Combats Premature aging, Soothes Itchy and Inflamed Skin.


Hand sanitizers were developed for use after washing hands or for those times when soap and water are not available. They are gels or liquids that contain alcohol in order to kill the germs present on the skin. The alcohol works immediately and effectively in order to kill bacteria and most viruses. Alcohol can be very drying to the skin, so most the sanitizers also contain a moisturizer to minimize skin dryness and irritation. Hand sanitizers are convenient, portable, easy to use and not time consuming. It also minimizes the risk of spreading gastrointestinal (stomach) and respiratory infection is decreased among families who use hand sanitizers.

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