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ProductTriphala TabAmla Powder
ImageTriphala TabAmla Powder

Special Price 650.00

Special Price 170.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessPersonal Care Products
Sub CategoryHealth CareSelf-Care Products
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Quantity - 60 Nos/ 500gms

Ingredients: Amla (Emblica officinalis), Thannikka (Terminalia bellerica) & Kadukka (Terminalia chebula)

Suggested Use: Take 1 tablet twice daily on an empty stomach or as directed by the physician


improves eye sight

natural blood purifier

improves immunity

prevents chest congestion

(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cm8.00cm x 8.00cm x 11.00cm

Triphala is a herbal medicines and very good rejuvenator & can be taken regularly. It corrects habitual constipation, very good for increasing eye sight power, decreases hair falling, corrects indigestion, helps to decrease hyperacidity. Triphala is a very effective compound made by mixing equal parts of powder of Emblica officinalis(Amla), Terminalia belerica (Bahera) & Terminalia chebula (Harad). Prolonged use of Triphala and herbal medicine is safe and non-habit forming; in fact it rejuvenates the intestines, tissues, and cells of the body, prevents cancer, and aids in weight loss. It is known to promote the absorption of vitamins and to improve the general absorption of all nutrients and vitamins contained in our food. As a daily supplement Triphala is hard to beat.

Amla is loaded with antioxidants help in reducing the early signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines.  It gives the skin a natural glow and also fades away any spots.  The presence of vitamins aids in collagen production,  thus maintaining the elasticity of the skin which leads to younger looking skin.  The presence of antioxidants and vitamin C also prevents your hair form ageing as well  This not only prevents early greying but will also prevent hair loss and scalp related problems.  You can also use amla powder combined with henna to colour and condition your hair at the same time.  If you are suffering from hair related problems such as dandruff and hair fall,  the presence of fatty acid helps to strengthen the hair roots while repairing the damage hair.  Amala is very cooling for the body and also works as a cleanser and thus purifies the body to reduce the occurrence of pimples and acne.

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