Licorice root powder

Quick Overview

Benefits of Licorice root powder :

Prevents Sun Damage

Brightens skin

Fades scars

Treats wrinkles

Calms Inflammation

  • Maintains hairs shine and effective on skin to maintain glow.

Special Price 145

Regular Price: 170


  • Weight  : 100g

Licorice root extract contains the antioxidant glabridin and licochalcone A. They both have powerful anti-aging and skin-soothing properties. That means licorice root extract can combat hyperpigmentation, those annoying dark marks you get from sunspots, or acne scars that don’t just fade away.

Benefits of Licorice root powder

Prevents Sun Damage:

Regular exposure to the sun can cause dark spots and age spots making you look older than your age. Applying licorice topically fades sun spots and leads to an even-looking skin tone. Licorice powder also contains UV blocking enzymes that protect skin and prevent sun damage.

Brightens Skin:

Hyperpigmentation is a common problem faced by many women. Topical application of licorice powder to the affected area naturally treats hyperpigmentation, giving your skin a smooth and brighter look.

Fade Scars:

Scars caused by acne or injuries can take a long time to heal. Mulethi powder helps speed up the process by evening out skin tone and minimizing the appearance of scars. Topical application of mulethi powder is recommended for those with scars.

Treat Wrinkles:

The antioxidants in licorice powder block free radicals from harming the skin, thus protecting it from premature aging. The UV-blocking enzymes ward off sun damage and protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

How to use:

For skin: Mix two tablespoon of licorice powder, half tablespoons of honey and 1 tsp of lemon juice and mix it well. Apply this face pack on the face and neck. Keep it for 25 minutes and then wash it with cold water.

For hair: In a bowl, take a cup of curd, to this add five spoons of mulethi powder along with two spoons of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well and apply all over your hair and scalp, massage for a few minutes then let it stay for another 15-20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.

Kerala Naturals provides 100% natural and chemical free licorice powder with no additives, synthetics and other harsh metals. It helps to maintain hair shine and effective on skin to maintain glow.

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Licorice Root Powder, Licorice Root Powder For Skin, Licorice Root Powder For Hair, Licorice Root Powder Benefits For Stomach, Licorice Root Powder Benefits For Eating.

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