Preethy's Boutique Orange Peel Powder

Quick Overview

Replenishing and Rejuvenation

Treats blackheads ,dead cells, acne and blemishes.

Skin brightening.

Softening and Smoothening.

Promotes fairness.

Special Price 204

Regular Price: 240


  • Weight  : 100g

Orange Peel Powder is a natural astringent that rejuvenates the skin to ensure an overall health of skin by preventing the signs of wrinkles, skin aging and fine. Orange peel powder is rich in Vitamin C that helps various skin types especially oily skin types to form the collagen and elastin of the skin. Since orange peels have anti-bacterial properties, it fights upon acne forming bacteria too to give you flawless skin. It deeply cleanse the pores of skin for giving an overall refreshing look.

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Orange Peel Powder, Skin Care Product, Beauty Product For Skin, Orange Peel Powder Face Pack, Rejuvenating Face Pack, Orange Peel Powder For Skin Whitening.

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