Dry Ginger Whole

Quick Overview

Dry Ginger is beneficial for sore throat, digestion and beneficial for joint pain.

Dry ginger along with sugar cane juice is a cure for stomach irritation. Ginger also relieves from throat pain and has other health benefits too.

It helps to pacify Vata and Kapha doshas and increases Pitta dosha.

It helps in digestion, enhances appetite, pacifies stomach disorders, and maintains joint health and respiratory system health.

Special Price 340

Regular Price: 399


  • Weight  : 200g

Dry Ginger is a herb that grows mainly in Asia and is used as a spice in cooking. It is also known for its therapeutic qualities.It is an underground stem (rhizome) that can be used fresh, powdered and dried form. Dry Ginger is one of the healthiest spices, full of nutrients and bioactive compounds that have many benefits for our body and brain.

Dried ginger is used in making spices and masalas, which are used in gravies, curries, marinades, stews, etc. It is combined with cardamom, cinnamon, fennel and cloves to make tea masala, which is brewed along with tea to get a strong flavour.

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Dry Ginger Whole, Dry Ginger Powder, Spices, Health Care, Whole Spice, Body Care, Health And Wellness.

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