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ProductSarvanivariniDry Ginger Coffee/chukku kappi)
ImageSarvanivariniDry Ginger Coffee/chukku kappi)

Special Price 100.00

Special Price 170.00

CategoryHome & KitchenTea And Coffee
Sub CategoryHome CareCoffee
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 100 ml

Herbal based plant tonic

5ml with 1 L water spray once in a week


Perfect home remedy

Get rid of common cough and cold.

Instant relief from throat infections and even cold.

Perfect immune booster

Ingredients: Coffee Powder, Cardamom, Dry Ginger, Black pepper, Coriander, Cumin seeds, and Fenugreek.

(L x W x H)

A panchagavya and herbal baseplant d plant tonic for growth and disease prevention. 5ml with 1 L water spray once in a week.

Dry Ginger Coffee (Chukku kappi) is a popular and traditional health drink in the southern parts of India. This is a perfect home remedy for cold, fever, and throat infections. Dry ginger Coffee helps cure indigestion and diarrhea. It eliminates toxins and helps absorb minerals from the intestines. Premium quality spices are used for making this and which gives you traditional taste and flavor.

How to use:  Add 1 teaspoon of dry ginger coffee powder in a glass of water and boil it for 2 minutes. Stir well and serve hot.

Kerala Naturals provides the best quality coffee powder with pure, fresh and export quality ingredients added to it.

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