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ProductSPRAY DRIED BLACK GRAPE POWDERBency RavaRed Rose Glycerin Soap
ImageSPRAY DRIED BLACK GRAPE POWDERBency RavaRed Rose Glycerin Soap

Special Price 545.00

Special Price 42.00

Special Price 125.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessGrocery StoreBath and Shower
Sub CategoryHealth CareWheat ProductsSoap
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock

Organic food

100% natural ingredients used

Food coloring agent

Prevents Alzheimer's and Parkinsons

Protects aganist cancer ,diabetes and heart problems


Weight - 500 Gms

Tasty and delicious

High in Quality

Weight - 125gm

 Reduces stress

Promotes glowing skin

(L x W x H)

Beaface introduces a new product Spray dried black grape powder from Grenutri. Black grapes are much higher in antioxidants than green or red grapes. Black grape powder has no added sugars, sweetners,artificial flavours or colors.This can be used to make natural skin and beauty products including soap.

Ponkathir bency rava is rich in fibre and very healthy. It is very tasty

Roses have been used in skin care and body detox in Ayurvedic medicine. Roses have therapeutic benefits that relax the body, reduce stress and promote glowing skin. Rose petals contain natural oils and sugars that will lock moisture into dry skin cells. Rose petals alone are not only beautiful and fragrant, but were used by Ancient Greeks and Romans to perfume baths. The Egyptian queen Cleopatra was known for her love of rose petals, as not only were they sprinkled onto the floors of her banquet halls, but she included them in her bathing and beauty rituals as well.

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