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ProductAloe Vera PowderJasmine Glycerine Soap
ImageAloe Vera PowderJasmine Glycerine Soap

Special Price 163.00

Special Price 50.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsBath and Shower
Sub CategorySelf-Care ProductsSoap
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Gum protection

immunity enhancer

Jasmine Glycerine Soap

Helps treat dry skin

Gives a youthful appearance to your skin

Helps to retain beautiful, balanced and glowing skin.

(L x W x H)
8.00cm x 8.00cm x 11.00cmNA

Aloe vera is full of antioxidants which are natural immune enhancers that help combat free radicals in the body.  It enhances skin health.  Aloe vera is one of the natural herbs commonly used in skin care products.  It also promotes gum health.  You can sprinkle some aloe vera powder on your toothbrush before brushing and within a few minutes your mouth will feel much better.

 Jasmine smell wonderful and women often adorn their hair with it to not just look but also smell beautiful. But did you know it can enhance your beauty in several other ways Because of its antioxidants, jasmine can help protect from environmental stressors. This can help give a youthful appearance to your skin. Jasmine helps treat dry skin and provide natural moisture that won’t clog pores. We can’t deny the lovely scent that this flower has so adding it to skin care helps to nourish your skin. An amazing disinfectant as it carries an abundance of natural antiseptic properties. It’s a wonderful component for skincare products given its healing,
relaxing and glow-promoting benefits. This oil can aid the treatment of dry and irritated skin.
It’s especially great for those who suffer from eczema outbreaks. Slow the process of fine line development on the skin as the oil helps promote collagen production, which helps fill in the space created by wrinkles. Jasmine is known to have soothing properties that can help comfort irritated, itchy, and dry skin without causing unwanted breakouts. Jasmine helps to retain beautiful, balanced and glowing skin.



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