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ProductVision Care TabPungu Natural Soap
ImageVision Care TabPungu Natural Soap

Special Price 800.00

Special Price 50.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessBath and Shower
Sub CategoryHealth CareSoap
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Quantity - 60 Nos/ 500 mg

Ingredients: Rosa triphylla, Eclipta prostrate, Boerhavia diffuse, Ocimum tenuiflorum, Curcuma longa, Sesamum indicum, Bacopa monnieri, Celastrus paniculatus & Withania somnifera

Suggested Use: Take 1 tablet twice a day on an empty stomach as directed by the physician

Weight - 75 Gms

Relief from eczema, psoriasis, boils, frostbite, and burns.


(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cm8.50cm x 6.00cm x 2.50cm

Vision care is a unique combination of ancient herbs known to support normal eye health & vision. This gives anti-ageing effects and care to the eye also help preventing the eye from outer factors such as dirt, smoke, pollution. This product can prevent from drying of eye cells due to prolonged working in front of computer, Provides refreshment to the eye.


Ungu (Indian beech) is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases. Used for quick wound healing and to relieve pain and inflammation. The most important health benefits of Ungu (Indian beech) include its ability to stimulate hair growth, protect the immune system, improve the health of the skin, boost new-born health, prevent infections, relieve pain and protect against chronic diseases. Ungu (Indian beech) can improve skin appearance, reduce the signs of scarring, aging and soothe inflammation. Furthermore, research suggests that it has the potential to aid in providing relief from eczema, psoriasis, boils, frostbite, and burns.

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