Kachooram Baby Soap

Quick Overview

Weight - 75 Gms

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Alkali Liquid, Essential Oil & Kachooram


Special Price 48

Regular Price: 50


  • Weight  : 75g

Kacholam (Galangal) contains anti-inflammatory properties and therefore is beneficial in treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The juice that is produced from the root itself has over 40 different antioxidants within it. This helps a myriad of skin conditions. Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, acne and other skin issues can be easily treated. There are studies that show that due to its enormous antioxidant presence, it’s one of the best to use on skin for the purposes of anti-aging. Kacholam (Galangal) has been used to coat and treat dry scalps and dandruff for years. Target and kill the bacteria that cause dry scalp, dandruff and irritation. If you suffer from dry, brittle hair that tends to break and shed much more than normal, Kacholam (Galangal) can also be used to fortify and moisturize the hair. The amount of phosphorous, zinc and other essential vitamins that are found within the Kacholam (Galangal) can completely transform the look and feel of the hair.

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Kachooram Baby Soap, Soap, Bath Soap, Beauty Care Soap, Beauty Care Products, Skin Care Product.

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