Pungu Natural Soap

Quick Overview

Weight - 75 Gms

Relief from eczema, psoriasis, boils, frostbite, and burns.


Special Price 48

Regular Price: 50


  • Weight  : 75g

Ungu (Indian beech) is widely used in the treatment of skin diseases. Used for quick wound healing and to relieve pain and inflammation. The most important health benefits of Ungu (Indian beech) include its ability to stimulate hair growth, protect the immune system, improve the health of the skin, boost new-born health, prevent infections, relieve pain and protect against chronic diseases. Ungu (Indian beech) can improve skin appearance, reduce the signs of scarring, aging and soothe inflammation. Furthermore, research suggests that it has the potential to aid in providing relief from eczema, psoriasis, boils, frostbite, and burns.

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Soap, Ungu Soap, Natural Soap, Beauty Soap, Bath Soap, Skin Care Products

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