Camel Soap

Quick Overview

Weight - 100 Gms

Acne free skin

Cure against eczema and psoriasis


Special Price 238

Regular Price: 250


  • Weight  : 100g

For centuries, camel milk was prized as a nutritious and healing drink, but it was also known to be a beautifying cosmetic. Camel milk is full of anti-oxidants like Vitamin C. Anti-oxidants reduce the number of free radicals which causes damage to skin cells. It also high in carotin which protects against damage from the sun. The alpha hydroxide compounds in the form of lactic acid help to regenerate skin and keep it looking young. It can aso heal stretch marks and remove blemishes, pigmentation, and age spots. The nutrients in the soap hydrate the skin, plumping it and smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. Camel milk soap is also good for those who suffer from eczema and psoriasis. When used regularly, it can also be effective in keeping the skin free of acne. For those with skin allergies, camel milk doesn’t contain the same allergens found in other types of milk.

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Camel Soap, Soap, Bath Soap, Beauty Care Soap, Beauty Care Products, Skin Care Product.

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