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ProductCastor OilEnergy Booster
ImageCastor OilEnergy Booster

Special Price 155.00

Special Price 1500.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategorySelf-Care ProductsHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock
  • Weight - 50 ML
  • Cold Pressed oil
  • Made with 100% organic ingredients.
  • powerful laxative and a natural moisturizer 

Weight - 200g

Maintains your natural energy levels


(L x W x H)
NA7.50cm x 7.50cm x 16.50cm

Castor oil is a multi-purpose vegetable oil that people have used for thousands of years a powerful laxative and a natural moisturizer , promotes wound healing .Reduces acne and keeps your hair and scalp healthy. Castor oil is a natural emollient and a few drops may also be used to remedy dry skin, as a massage oil, and may benefit hair as a treatment 

Eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep are the best ways to maintain your natural energy levels. But these things are not always possible, especially when balancing the demands of life. Fortunately, there are many supplements you can turn to for an energy booster. One of the most important is the Gaspra Energy Booster for complete health support, Increase immunity, Increase strength & stamina, Increase overall wellness.

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