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ProductPapaya GelRED WINE GEL SKT Kasavu Set Saree with Gold Jarigai (2" Border)
ImagePapaya GelRED WINE GEL		SKT Kasavu Set Saree with Gold Jarigai (2

Special Price 199.00

Special Price 695.00

Special Price 1500.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsPersonal Care ProductsLadies boutique
Sub CategorySkin CareSkin Care Kerala Set Saree
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 100 Gms

Gives you glowing skin

Imparts its natural skin brightening properties

Weight - 100 Gms

Helps you give fair and glowing skin

Helps in repairing and healing the skin

100% cotton

traditional Kerala wear

premium quality soft material

(L x W x H)

Papaya gel  can decrease inflammation. The protein-dissolving papaya can be found in many exfoliating products. These products help reduce acne by removing dead skin cells that can clog pores. Papaya can also remove damaged keratin that can build up on the skin and form small bumps. Loaded with papaya goodness this gel imparts its natural skin brightening properties to give you radiant glowing skin and clears blemishes and pigmentation.

Antioxidants in red wine, such as falconoid, resveratrol, and tanning, help to slow down the ageing process by preserving collagen and elastic fibers. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and hence, provides a boost to a sagging skin Yes, it is red wine that helps you give fair, glowing and younger looking skin. It is high in anti-oxidants and helps in repair and healing skin cells. There are innumerable benefits of red wine for skin, which include giving back the lost glow and make it supple and hydrated. It also removes toxins from the skin.

Sree Kalaivani Textile explore the collection of beautifully designed sarees. Each piece is elegantly crafted and will surely add to your wardrobe. Pair this with heels or flats for graceful look.

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