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ProductRED WINE GEL Sherlock Holmes
ImageRED WINE GEL		Sherlock Holmes

Special Price 695.00

Special Price 200.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsBook Store
Sub CategorySkin CareFiction
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 100 Gms

Helps you give fair and glowing skin

Helps in repairing and healing the skin

Sherlock Holmes stories Published By Green books Author – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fictional stories

(L x W x H)
NA26.00cm x 15.00cm x 25.00cm

Antioxidants in red wine, such as falconoid, resveratrol, and tanning, help to slow down the ageing process by preserving collagen and elastic fibers. It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and hence, provides a boost to a sagging skin Yes, it is red wine that helps you give fair, glowing and younger looking skin. It is high in anti-oxidants and helps in repair and healing skin cells. There are innumerable benefits of red wine for skin, which include giving back the lost glow and make it supple and hydrated. It also removes toxins from the skin.

This Book by Arthur Conan Doyle is a compilation of selected best stories of Sherlock Holmes. No one has yet surpassed Arthur Conan Doyle's excellence in presenting crime as a great reading experience.The stories of Sherlock Holmes are very interesting and thrilling to read.
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