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ProductDouble Stemcell PowderPreethy's Boutique Hibiscus Flower Powder
ImageDouble Stemcell PowderPreethy's Boutique Hibiscus Flower Powder

Special Price 999.00

Special Price 250.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessPersonal Care Products
Sub CategoryHealth CareHair Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 200g

Promotes natural immune system 

Stop hair loss.

Make your hair look healthy and lustrous.

Prevent premature graying.

Thickens hair and adds volume.

Treats dandruff.

Condition against frizz, dryness, and breakage.

Prevent split ends.

(L x W x H)
7.50cm x 7.50cm x 16.50cmNA

This unique blend of imported quality herbs & plant stem cells extracts make this product outstanding in context of achieving results & contains life prolonging properties. Gas Double Stem Cell Powder may promote natural immune system help in balancing the body. Double Stem Cell is an advanced formula, loaded with natural ingredients which are clinically proven to increase circulating stem cells for an extended period of time.


Pure hibiscus powder made from shade-dried fresh hibiscus flowers. Hibiscus aids hair growth from dormant hair follicles helping cover bald patches and also combats dryness and dandruff. Leaves and flowers from the hibiscus plant are incredibly moisturizing. When you crush the petals of hibiscus, your hands would become slimy due to the high amount of mucilage content in them.

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