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ProductPreethy's Boutique Kumkumadi Thailam Tender Mango Pickle Pouch ( 500Gms)
ImagePreethy's Boutique Kumkumadi Thailam Tender Mango Pickle Pouch ( 500Gms)

Special Price 795.00

Special Price 110.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsFood Products
Sub CategorySkin CarePickles
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Brightens Dull Skin

Repair Pigmentation.

Clear up acne prone skin.

Acts as an Anti-aging Serum.

Reducing ageing wrinkles, dark circles, spots and blemishes.

Fades Under eye dark circles.

It is suitable for almost all skin types. Use Daily for Best results.

Weight – 500 g

Tender mango pickle (pouch)

Spicy and tasty

A product of Tholur

(L x W x H)
NA18.00cm x 10.00cm x 17.00cm

Kumkumadi Oil / Kumkumadi Thailam are facial oil that has amazing benefits, both restorative and beautifying. It is completely a natural skin enlightener and relieves dark circles and remove discoloration and scars as well.

Kumkumadi Thailam is a unique blend of herbs and oil. The name Kumkumadi comes from one of its key ingredients Red Gold saffron, which is called Kumkuma in Sanskrit. The exotic Red Gold saffron flowers retexture the skin, making it blemish free and promoting a radiant and healthy looking complexion.

How to use:

Take a few drops of the Kumkumadi tailam and apply it all over your face and neck.  Massage it evenly  in circular upward strokes  untill it gets absorbed.

Preethy’s Boutique provides the best quality kumkumadi oil with its key ingredient as red gold saffron with a unique blend of herbs and oil.

Tender mango pickle from tholur comes in a stand up pouch.  These are made with fresh tender mangoes and is perfectly packed to maintain the freshness and flavor.  It is prepared using a traditional recipe that gives it the authentic taste from Kerala.

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