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ProductGarcinia Tab Velvet Bean Powder
ImageGarcinia Tab Velvet Bean Powder

Special Price 650.00

.285.00 - .522.50

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryHealth CareHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 30 capsules / 500 mg

Ingredients: Garcinia cambogia extract

Suggested Use: Take 2 tablet daily or as directed by a Physician


Weight - 150Gms & 300 Gms available

Improves relaxation and help getting to sleep

(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cm7.50cm x 7.50cm x 16.50cm

It may help build cartilage, boost joint mobility, increase joint flexibility, support joint structure, protect joint tissue and reduce inflammation. Joint relief tablet is designed for anyone who has joint pain, joint stress or experiences joint stiffness. The powerful nutrients in our formula may help to maintain joint flexibility. It helps you get back to crushing reps in the gym and performing at peak capacity. Anti-inflammatory cartilage repair, bone strength, joint relief, and supporting tendon integrity. Joint pain and inflammation due to osteoarthritis. Ideal for Chronic back and muscular pain.

Velvet bean is used to improve relaxation and help getting to sleep. Dopamine from L-dopa acts on the pineal gland which secretes the sleep hormone melatonin. Higher dopamine levels are also associated with lower stress and an improved ability to relax. This is very effective to build nervous system and to improve reproductive health. It helps to maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar level. It is really extremely beneficial in diabetes treatment. This might also help individuals to lose weight and might be utilized in Parkinson’s disease treatment that is a nerve problem.

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