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ProductHappy's Hair Shampoo(transparentCINNAMON POWDER
ImageHappy's Hair Shampoo(transparentCINNAMON POWDER

Special Price 120.00

Special Price 230.00

CategoryHair Care and StylingHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryShampooHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Happy’s hair shampoo(transparent)

Prevents hair fall

Repairs damaged hair prone to split-end

Rescue hair from damage, dullness

Nourishes hair from root to tip

  • Weight - 100 Gms
  • Loaded with antioxidants
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties  


(L x W x H)

Happy’s hair shampoo is gentle enough for everyday use, even for colour or chemically treated hair. Repairs damaged hair prone to split-ends, and prevents hair fall. Rescue hair from damage, dullness. Nourishes hair from root to tip and reduces hair-fall, repairs damaged hair prone to split-ends, Helps repair damaged hair to create smoothness and reduces breakage. Usage: Shake before use. Wet hair. Gently massage onto scalp. Lather and rinse thoroughly. Stimulate hair follicle growth and are effective in strengthening hair roots, improves your hair texture to reduce hair fall due to breakage, repeat if desired. This shampoo suitable for Men & Women

Cinnamon is high in a substance with powerful medicinal properties is loaded with antioxidants.  And it has anti-inflammatory properties   may cut the risk of heart disease .Cinnamon can improve sensitivity to the hormone insulin. Sprinkle it on food. The simplest way to consume cinnamon is to sprinkle a little of it on your food, such as on toast. Make a tea. The chemicals in cinnamon are water soluble and make a great tea. Take capsules and swallow it with honey.

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