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ProductAmla Coffee Papaya Soap banarasi tussar silk saree
ImageAmla Coffee Papaya Soap banarasi tussar silk saree

Special Price 600.00

Special Price 60.00


CategoryTea And CoffeeBath and ShowerLadies boutique
Sub CategoryCoffeeSoapSaree
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock

 • Weight -200gm

• Helps in boosting the immune system

• Treating throat infections

• Reducing blood sugar levels

• Improving heart health

• Balance stomach acids

• Nourish the brain and mental functioning

• It also strengthens the lungs

Papaya Soap

Removes skin scar 

Effective in preventing acne

Fab- High quality pure Banarasi Tussar silk with Beautiful Lahariya   print

Pure Banarasi  weaving border with  jari weaving chitt pallu 

Running blouse with  weaving jari border

(L x W x H)
7.50cm x 7.50cm x 16.50cmNANA

Amla coffee is good for rejuvenation. It helps in boosting the immune system. It improves heart health.


Papaya Soap is good for skin scar removal and skin toning. It is an antiseptic and is effective in preventing acne. It has very strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

We deal with best quality of Papaya Soap and we offer them to our clients. Our Soaps from 100% Coconut Oil and Essential Oils, 20% Natural Papaya Pulp Added For Filler. And there are no Artificial Colors

High quality pure Banarasi Tusser silk with Beautiful Lahariya  print looks elegant and classy.It has pure Banarasi  weaving border with  jari weaving chitt pallu. This saree comes with running blouse with weaving jari border.

Disclaimer - Product colour may slightly vary in actual colour due to light source.


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