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ProductPreethy's Boutique Hibiscus Flower PowderBalajeerakadi Kashaya Churnam
ImagePreethy's Boutique Hibiscus Flower PowderBalajeerakadi  Kashaya Churnam

Special Price 250.00

Special Price 150.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryHair CareHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Stop hair loss.

Make your hair look healthy and lustrous.

Prevent premature graying.

Thickens hair and adds volume.

Treats dandruff.

Condition against frizz, dryness, and breakage.

Prevent split ends.

Balajeerakadi Churna

Reduce a cough

Eases in breathing

(L x W x H)

Pure hibiscus powder made from shade-dried fresh hibiscus flowers. Hibiscus aids hair growth from dormant hair follicles helping cover bald patches and also combats dryness and dandruff. Leaves and flowers from the hibiscus plant are incredibly moisturizing. When you crush the petals of hibiscus, your hands would become slimy due to the high amount of mucilage content in them.

Balajeerakadi Churna is an ayurvedic medicine mainly used for diseases of respiratory system. It helps to reduce a cough and eases in breathing. It is best when a patient suffers from any respiratory diseases

This Product is in Choorna form. Take 20 grams of kashaya powder in 320 ml water. Boil to reduce into 40 ml of liquid. The dosage of intake is 20 ml twice daily before food

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