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ProductBalamruthamAmla Powder
ImageBalamruthamAmla Powder

Special Price 80.00

Special Price 300.00

CategoryBook StoreHealth and Body wellness
Sub CategoryPoemsHealth Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Published by Green Books

Author – P.Kunjiraman Nair

poem collection

Weight - 200 Gms

Consists of Vitamin C and A

(L x W x H)
26.00cm x 15.00cm x 25.00cm7.50cm x 7.50cm x 16.50cm

This book consists of poems collections for children

Amla powder is used in many hair tonics as it enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It strengthens the roots, maintains color, and improves luster. Amla helps in boosting the immune system, slowing down aging, treating throat infections, reducing blood sugar levels, and improving heart health. Amla acts as a diuretic agent and is therefore thought to enhance food absorption, balance stomach acids, fortify the liver, and nourish the brain and mental functioning. It also strengthens the lungs, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, improves skin quality, and promotes healthier hair. This fruit increases vitality, aids in vision care, and improves muscle tone. Their beneficial properties are mainly due to the potency of the antioxidants. Amla are a natural immune booster as they contain a powerful cocktail of vitamins C and A, polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol.


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