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ProductClassical Dance Ankle Bells, Chilanka, Ghunghroo PairCHANDERI SILK SAREESChuvanna Pathaka Churamiranghumbol
ImageClassical Dance Ankle Bells, Chilanka, Ghunghroo PairCHANDERI SILK SAREESChuvanna Pathaka Churamiranghumbol

Special Price 600.00

Special Price 3440.00

Special Price 170.00

CategoryJewelleryLadies boutiqueBook Store
Sub CategoryChilankaSareeFiction
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock
  • 5 line chilanka
  • 40 brass bell in each chilanka
  • leather cushion

Chanderi silk saree

Fabric : Chanderi silk
Length : 6.5m(blouse included)
Width : 44 inch

Published by Green Books Author – Prince.B.Nair

(L x W x H)
NANA26.00cm x 15.00cm x 25.00cm

This pair of 5 line ankle bells/ Gunghroos consists of 40+40 = 80 nos of good quality brass bells preferred by regular classical dancers. The bells seated over cushioned leather pad are made of brass and have small iron balls inside which add quite a lot of weight to them. It can be worn by any age group as it is adjustable with buckle.

Trendy Chanderi silk saree with hand print work, wear for Festival, Casual,
Reception pair with antique jewellery for a classy look.

Disclaimer - Product colour may slightly vary in actual colour due to light source.

The experiences of a revolutionary activist who lands up entering the karnataka border. Also he witnesses the life of the naxalites in Mysore.A journey from being revengeful to be tolerant and composed.

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