Jackfruit Powder / Raw Green Jackfruit Flour

Quick Overview

Good source of edible proteins and fibers.

Has low glycemic index – a measure on how fast a food rises the sugar level in blood.

A rich source for dietary fiber that can improve digestion.

Aids in weight management.

Helps in controlling blood sugar on regular use.

A good option for people dealing with diabetes

Special Price 162

Regular Price: 190


  • Weight  : 100g

Jackfruit flour is made using raw jackfruit pods which are then dried and finely powdered. Jackfruit Powder is a powder mix, it is great for making delicious and healthy dishes like idly,dosas, puttu, upma, rotis, chappathis, smoothies, etc and it is also a good replacer for common flour used in the production of baked items.It is derived totally from the best quality green jackfruits.

Made 100% from the best unripe and green jackfruit.

Jackfruit Flour Ingredients: –

Powdered Raw Jackfruit Pods (100%).

Does not contain added flavours or preservatives.

shelf life : 365 days.

Storage Instructions: Best to be stored in a dry place, away from moisture and heat.

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Jackfruit Powder, Raw Green Jackfruit Powder, Jackfruit Flour, Jackfruit, Flour.

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