
Quick Overview

Weight : 50g

Authentic Indian mace

Mace is the lacy covering of the nutmeg seed

It has a beautiful aroma

Special Price 250


  • Weight  : 50g

These authentic Indian mace are directly sourced from Ernakulam, Kerala.  Mace is the lacy covering of the nutmeg seed but differs in flavor by being subtly pungent and spicier.  It is naturally protected from environmental toxins and pesticides as it is enveloped by a layer of fruit around it.  It has a beautiful aroma.  It is used in baked goods, and can also be a part of meat dishes, stew, etc.  Seeds and Hands supports small scale farmers and promotes direct trade.  We travel and cherry-pick best available spices from them.

SEEDS AND HANDS™ believes in bringing the hard work of the local Indian spice farmers straight to the comfort of your home.

Mace is the lacy covering of the nutmeg seeds. Our Ernakulam mace is locally grown and is delicately handpicked and sun dried with utmost care. Mace is a sister spice of nutmeg but is subtler in flavor and has a subtly pungent and spicy flavour and is used widely in baked goods and in marinades.

Mace contains various vitamins and minerals. It’s anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties works wonders for skin care. Mace has a unique use in traditional Indian medicine. You can use it as both a savory as well as sweet flavor enhancer, utilized as a spice on roast meats or even in things such as cakes or scones. Though mace has lots of health benefits, it must be used in controlled amounts.

OUR PHILOSOPHY: We connect you to authentic sources of locally grown spices. We travel and cherry-pick farmers who harvest high quality produce

ABOUT US: “Seeds and Hands” is a team of passionate individuals, determined to travel and discover lower pesticide spices from authentic sources. Our aim is to be a reliable source of healthy local spices by bringing the hard work of farmers, who use healthier cultivation practices, straight from the farms to the comfort of your home. We source our spices from all over the Indian Subcontinent but are mainly centric to Kerala, India.

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