Slim Care Tab

Quick Overview

Quantity - 60 N0s/ 500 mg

Ingredients: Acai Berry. Micronized Green Tea leaf extract. Cactus extract, Clary Sage extract, Beta-sisosterol, Phoph-atidylserine. Theanine. Dandelion leaf and root, French maritime pine extract, Turmeric, Ginger. Cloves, Cinnamon. Nettle leaf, Guarana. Cayenne pepper, Ginseng, Flax seeds, Guar gum, Garcinia, Mustard & Psyllium

Suggested Use: Take 1 tablet twice daily on an empty stomach or as directed by the physician


Special Price 760

Regular Price: 800


  • Weight  : 200g

Slim Fit Tablets raises metabolism and turns calories into usable energy. It is designed to boost metabolism to higher levels so the body can break down fat. Essentially, it works as a catalyst to burn fat cells that cannot be removed by diet and exercise alone. Slim Fit Tablets is completely herbs based product with no side effect & can effectively & naturally remove fat especially from the stomach, Ankles and Arms & give you a wonderful! New  shape quickly & more naturally. It is equally useful for both men & women.


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Capsules, Health Care Capsules, Slim Fit Tablets , Wellness Capsules, Food Supplement, Tablets, Slim Care Tablets.

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