Calcium Tab

Quick Overview

Quantity - 60 Nos

Ingredients: Calcium Citrate, Vitamin D3, Zinc Sulphate, Equal to Elemental Zinc, Magnesium Hydroxide, Equal to Elemental Magnesium

Suggested Use: Take 1 tablet morning after meal or as directed by the physician


Special Price 618

Regular Price: 650


  • Weight  : 300g

Calcium Tablet is a Certified Product. As per many clinical trials it has been noticed that high-purity fossilized coral calcium contains calcium magnesium, sodium, zinc, potassium, iodine, essential trace minerals and many other microscopic elements essential to human life in addition fossilized coral calcium contains antioxidants known to help protect the body free radical damage. This is comprised of ecologically harvested from fossilized above-sea coral deposits unlike marine grade coral calcium.

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