Sandal Glycerine Soap

Quick Overview

Weight -125gm

Ingredients: Coconut Oil, Caster Oil, Distilled Water, Caustric Iye & Sandal

Special Price 119

Regular Price: 125


  • Weight  : 125g

Sandalwood is the smoothest and sweetest of all of the wood notes. Sandalwood oil is found in many perfumes and air fresheners. It’s a classic scent from a valuable tree. Sandalwood in some forms can smell either piney, like fresh cut wood with a little varnish on it or creamy and spicy. In a world driven by so much competition, traffic, and stressful activities, it is no wonder your chakra energy is hanging on a balance. Living under chronic stress coupled with so much overthinking to meet seemingly impossible goals, one can easily lose focus, sense of purpose go haywire, and libido flushed down the drain. In professional or personal affairs require that you learn to practice focus, calm, and control under pressure, propensity to double the uptake amid the circumstances, and still maintain a close relationship with loved ones.


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Sandal Glycerine Soap, Soap, Bath Soap, Beauty Care Soap, Beauty Care Products, Skin Care Product.

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