Vyoshadi Kashaya Churnam

Quick Overview

Vyoshadi Kashaya churna

Used for respiratory and digestive disorders

Relieving nasal inflammation, discharge, congestion and irritation


Special Price 160


  • Weight  : 70g

Vyoshadi Kashaya is an ayurvedic medicine used for respiratory and digestive disorders. It is main medicine for the common cold in Ayurveda and really helpful for relieving nasal inflammation, discharge, congestion and irritation. It is also useful in allergic rhinitis, sneezing, cough, and breathing troubles (asthma). Itimproves appetite and increases the desire to eat, so it can also be given in cases of anorexia. Common Cold, Coryza or catarrh, Allergic rhinitis, Sneezing, Sinusitis,Nasal Polyp, Sore Throat, Cough Breathing Difficulty & Asthma, Heart Diseases, Anemia

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Vyoshadi Kashaya Churna, Health Care, Health Benefits, Ayurvedic Medicine, Ayurveda, Body Care, Treatment For Respiratory Disorder, Treatment Against Indigestion.

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