Lotus powder

Quick Overview


Radiance & Glow: Lotus powder has cooling, hydrating and skin- lightening properties. The oxidants in Lotus powder protect the skin from sun damage and gives the skin a glowing radiance. Due to its astringent property, it improves complexion and promotes new skin growth. It tones the skin and leaves the complexion looking more refreshed, softer, and firmer.

Anti acne & Reduce Scars: It also helps in the gradual removal of acne scars and blemishes.

Anti aging: It can hydrate and improve the elasticity of the facial skin and hence reduce the signs of anti aging.

Natural Hair Conditioner: It is an all-natural conditioner that keeps your hair from drying out. You can also use it in combination with Kerala Naturals Amla, Shikakai and Bhringraj Powder. It makes your hair soft and easy to manage. It does not cause any kind of irritation, inflammation of scalp skin.

Adds volume and natural shine to hair. Prevents premature greying of hair

Suitability: For all Hair type & Skin type

Special Price 230

Regular Price: 270


  • Weight  : 100g

Lotus Powder protects the skin with the help of antioxidants and offers deep cleansing action. Due to its astringent property, it leaves the complexion looking more refreshed, firmer, softer and more radiant. Lotus tones the skin and helps to restore balance while regenerating the skin in a natural way. Lotus powder supports the growth of thicker and stronger hair. It is an all-natural conditioner that keeps your hair from drying out. Extracted from the petals of lotus it is a natural emollient conditioner for hair. Our lotus Powder blends into your hair to prevent various scalp skin disorders.

How to use:

For skin: Mix lotus powder with water or raw milk and apply the paste to your face and wash after 15 minutes. Use twice a week for best results.

For hair: Mix lotus powder, amla powder & bhringraj powder in equal quantities with water to make a thick paste, apply this paste on hairs and scalp for hair growth, dandruff and to increase volume. Use 30 minutes before hair wash, once a week for best results.

Kerala Naturals Lotus powder is 100% pure fresh and safe on skin and hair.No added chemicals and preservatives

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Lotus Powder, Skin Care, Hair Care, Beauty Products, Natural Hair Conditioner, Hair Conditioner, Product For Radiant Skin, Skin Lightening Product.

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