Preethy's Boutique Multani Mitti Powder

Quick Overview

You can use it as a cleanser , toner and most importantly as multani mitti facial packs.

It is sweat resistant and also  be used to excess oil from skin.

It removes dead cells from your skin.

Make skin soft and smooth.

Anti aging agent.

Promotes skin whitening.

Special Price 162

Regular Price: 190


  • Weight  : 100g

Multani mitti absorbs excess oil from the skin surface and makes it soft and smooth. It avoids the occurrence of pimples caused due to excess oil secretion. The reason that multani mitti is so raved about because it removes the dead cells from the skin making space for it to breathe.

How to use:

Mix two teaspoons of multani mitti with one teaspoon of yoghurt and a pinch of turmeric. Mix everything in a bowl and make sure there are no lumps in the mixture. Apply it evenly on your face and let it dry for 20 minutes. Wash it off in warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Preethy’s Boutique  provides best export quality, 100% pure and natural multani mitti.

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Multani Mitti Powder, Multani Mitti Powder For Skin, Multani Mitti Powder For Dry Skin, Beauty Product For Skin, Skin Care Products, Skin Care Products For Oily Skin.

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