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ProductONE GRAM GOLD PLATED CZ STONE SMALL JUMKASCow Colostrum CapsulesHandmade Pearl Necklace With Earrings
ImageONE GRAM GOLD PLATED CZ STONE SMALL JUMKASCow Colostrum CapsulesHandmade Pearl Necklace With Earrings

Special Price 475.00

Special Price 800.00

Special Price 428.00

CategoryJewelleryHealth and Body wellnessJewellery
Sub CategoryJhumkas/ChandbaliHealth CareNecklace Set
AvailabilityIn StockIn StockIn Stock

Perfect for any age women for casual or party wear.


Color Gold & White

Quantity - 60 Nos

Ingredients: Cow Colostrum contains natural vitamins, minerals & other immune factors

This benefits the body’s natural health in a variety of ways.

Suggested Use: Take 1 capsule twice daily on an empty stomach or as directed by the physician


Handmade Jewellery

pearl necklace set

(L x W x H)
NA10.00cm x 5.50cm x 5.50cmNA

Beautiful dainty One gram Gold Ruby and American diamond Indian traditional Jhumka earrings with CZ's studded tear drop dangler. Perfect for any age women for casual or party wear.

Colostrum is a milky fluid that comes from the breasts of humans, cows, and other mammals the first few days after giving birth, before true milk appears. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and proteins (antibodies) that fight disease-causing agents such as bacteria and viruses. Antibody levels in colostrum’s can be 100 times higher than levels in regular cow’s milk.

Beautiful pearl necklace with earrings that is handmade.Adorn this and look beautiful.  

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