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ProductRaw Turmeric PowderChicory Coffee
ImageRaw Turmeric PowderChicory Coffee

Special Price 170.00

Special Price 300.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessTea And Coffee
Sub CategoryHealth CareCoffee
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

For culinary, and health and beauty purposes.

Turmeric is a great ingredient to be used in home-made face packs that can be used to cure a number of skin problems.

Due to its anti-bacterial properties turmeric is very effective against acne and redness. It helps in destroying the acne-causing bacteria and also removes the excess oil from the skin.

Raw Turmeric immunity Golden Milk: Just add raw turmeric powder in warm milk. Stir thoroughly and strain it in your cup. If preferred, you can add in your sweetener. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon. Reduces inflammation, get rid of cough and provides a glow on the skin.

Reduces high blood pressure

Liver and gallbladder disorders

(L x W x H)

Turmeric, a commonly used herb, possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties. Turmeric Powder with all its natural goodness is rich in curcumin. It has strong aromatic fragrance.

Use it in with curries, soups, smoothies, milk, salad, pickles and dals.

For skin: Mix raw turmeric with raw milk. Apply all over face and neck. Wash off once dried.

Kerala Naturals Raw Turmeric powder is 100% Natural, High-quality, hand-picked turmeric roots powder with no preservatives. We provide high curcumin rich turmeric powder from fresh roots with no-boil method with all its natural goodness. We collect directly from organic farmers made in small batches for freshness & purity. It has Strong aromatic fragrance.

Chicory Coffee gives distinctive taste and flavor.Regular use of this coffee Reduces high blood pressure. It corrects Liver and gallbladder disorders.

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