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ProductStone Breaker Juice Hibiscus Natural Herbal Soap
ImageStone Breaker Juice Hibiscus Natural Herbal Soap

Special Price 650.00

Special Price 50.00

CategoryHealth and Body wellnessBath and Shower
Sub CategoryHealth CareSoap
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 500ML

Keeps the gall bladder and kidney healthy

Weight -  75 Gms

 Helps skin stay hydrated, soft and supple for longer

(L x W x H)
24.00cm x 6.00cm x 6.00cm8.50cm x 6.00cm x 2.50cm

Stone breaker juice breaks the kidney and gall bladder stone or deposits into small pieces and keeps them healthy.

Hibiscus is rich in antioxidants, called anthocyanocides. Antioxidants are proven to help fight premature skin ageing. Helps to reduce the appearance of large pores for a smoother complexion, soothe inflamed skin. Hibiscus is suitable for those prone to very sensitive skin and help with age spots. Hibiscus gets you an all-round fresher, younger, smoother looking complexion. The natural acids present in Hibiscus help to purify your skin by breaking down dead skin and increasing cell turnover, control acne breakouts. Hibiscus bring your skin back in balance for a naturally gorgeous, glowing complexion. It has a naturally high mucilage content that makes a fantastic natural skin moisturizer and is gentle on sensitive skin. The naturally moisture rich qualities of Hibiscus helps skin stay hydrated, soft and supple for longer, keeping dry and dull skin at ba

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