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ProductWhite-Petroleum-Jelly02Hair Oil Mix
ImageWhite-Petroleum-Jelly02Hair Oil Mix

Special Price 80.00

Special Price 60.00

CategoryPersonal Care ProductsPersonal Care Products
Sub CategorySelf-Care ProductsHair Care
AvailabilityIn StockIn Stock

Weight - 50 Gms

Helps your skin heal and retain moisture


Hair oil mix

Good for long black hair

Prevents hair fall, grey hair, dandruff, body heat

No chemical pesticides, artificial additives or preservatives

(L x W x H)
10.00cm x 6.50cm x 6.50cmNA

Petroleum jelly is a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, which form a semisolid jelly-like substance. This will help seal your skin with a water-protective barrier. This helps your skin heal and retain moisture. Effective in keeping skin moist during post-surgery healing. Soak your feet in warm  water with some salt added to it. Towel-dry thoroughly and apply petroleum jelly and clean cotton socks. Apply petroleum jelly along your hairline to prevent hair dye from staining your skin. This also works if you like to paint your nails at home. Petroleum jelly is a mixture of mineral oils and waxes, which form a semisolid jelly-like substance. This will help seal your skin with a water-protective barrier. This helps your skin heal and retain moisture. Effective in keeping skin moist during post-surgery healing. Soak your feet in warm water with some salt added to it. Towel-dry thoroughly and apply petroleum jelly and clean cotton socks. Apply petroleum jelly along your hairline to prevent hair dye from staining your skin. This also works if you like to paint your nails at home.

Hair oil mix is nothing but a collection of ayurvedic ingredients good for long black hair. Pure coconut oil is poured in this bottle and is kept for 2-3 days. Hair oil mix helps thick and long hair, prevents hair fall, grey hair, dandruff, body heat. Added no chemical pesticides, artificial additives or preservatives. Cedar wood properties as an anti-seborrheic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, tonic, astringent, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, insecticidal, sedative and fungicidal substance. Vetiver works as a natural anti-oxidant that promotes relief from various types of inflammation. Its Licorice root, Cedar wood, Red sandal, Vetiver, Indian Screw tree, Red Creeper and Babchi.

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